Monday, December 2, 2019

Service Project Reflection Essays - Luann Ryon,

Service Project Reflection My expectations prior to the event were pretty accurate, I was expecting to come paint a fence for a family with little kids, and for it to be pretty chilly. I wouldn't say I had "expectations" that had to be met for the trip, because we do this as a class to serve, not to be served. I did have to the hope to have more conversations with the mom about her home life and hopefully get the chance to pray for her, but by the time I had the chance we were already cleaning up and heading out. I would have really loved to bless her in that way, not only in helping clean up her backyard, but also the emotional support she may not be receiving through this hard time. I'll be honest, it was hard going into the service project knowing how much work and organization was put into it, but also feeling the pressure of my midterms that were coming up the following week. In the back of my mind I thought about all the studying I could have been doing, but instead of moping around like I could have I decided to make this a proactive service trip. While we painted, I got some of the girls talking and started reviewing for our biology midterm coming up, and we were able to review and paint the fence at the same time. This was very encouraging to me, and taught me that there are many options to get some study time in, but also serve the Lord while interact with others. I had been locked up in my room all weekend and I was surprised by how refreshing it was to be outside and doing something with my hands for the first time in a while. I believe I do have a very specific call to service and more specifically to mission's work, as I am studying to become a nurse in the hopes to take it overseas and give families health care that otherwise could not have received it, while also sharing Christ with them. I had the opportunity to do some of this in East Timor last year, as we got to practically teach families about primary health care and preventing infection, while also running bible camps for kids and also telling their parents about the Lord. It was the busiest but most fulfilling few months of my life, and I have not stopped thinking about my experience since I left. I can practically serve others at TWU by being an encouragement to my classmates, help them get through their studies however way I can and being generous with my time and emotionally connecting with others even when there seems to be no time. It may seem insignificant to simply be available, but I think this leaves the most room for the spirit to do w hat he wants to do, and for me to be able to help wherever God wants me. Often, I'm so overwhelmed with school and the hundred-thousand assignments I could be doing that I forget to make myself simply available. However, this week especially I have gained a new appreciation for rest, even when it's hard to take a moment and breathe from the crazy student life. I find it incredible that somehow, even when we take a day for ourselves and spending time with family, friends, and Jesus, we still have time to finish all of those assignments on time. This is something I will try and imply in my life more regularly, as I believe it not only gives me more energy, but also alleviates my stress and anxiety towards school.

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